SMTP server not working

Hi all,

I am running a self hosted instance in my organisation and I cannot connect to a internal SMTP server. The internal SMTP server is currently working for other applications but not for Appsmith.

This is the error I am getting.

This is the settings I am using

SMTP Host:
smtp.{organization domain}.local

SMTP Port:

From Address:
noreply@{organization domain}.com

Reply Address:
noreply@{organization domain}.com

TLS Protected Connection:

Could anyone tell me what is going wrong here?


Hello and welcome to our community, Justin!
Can you please let us know what Appsmith version you are on (if you are self-hosted) and what email service provider you are using?

Hi Amelia,

I used the docker-compose file on the Appsmith website and it installed this version.

Using a self hosted docker instance.

Using an internal email provider set up by my organisation

Please send us the server logs to help us investigate the issue. You can grab the logs by running docker logs -f appsmith.
Or you could follow the steps from this guide on how to get the logs

@Justin are you still facing this issue?