Possible to insert JSON from an API into MySQL?

Is it possible to insert JSON from an API call into a MySQL table? The API call returns over 300 records.

@Rickerdo If you are looking to bulk insert records from JSON data you could try this.

Insert into users ('name', 'gender', 'age') values {{api.map((user) => { return "('" + user.name + "'," "'" + user.gender + "'," + "'" + user.age + "')" }).join(",") }}

Thank you very much. I had to make a few minor tweaks for it work within my environment, but you got me pointed in the right direction. My snippet…

INSERT INTO contacts (first_name,last_name,date_created,address,city,state,zip,email,phone)
	{{ GetAllContacts_JSON.data.map((contact) =>{
		return "('" + contact.first_name + "','" + contact.last_name + "',STR_TO_DATE('" + contact.date_created + "',\"%m/%d/%y\"),'" + contact.address + "','" + contact.city + "','" + contact.state + "','" + contact.zip + "','" + contact.email + "','" + contact.phone +	"')"}).join(",") }};