Loading faster - datasource and Appsmith on same network

I have a mysql database with about 5,000 records (all text, integers).
It is slow to load this table in Appsmith. It used to be a view w Unions and Joins… so I simplified to just CREATE EVENT table from view… the result is a basic table with 5,000 records.

Yet, Appsmith is still a bit slow to load this table data. I’m not totally familiar with what is the best method to optimize. Both the database and Appsmith instances are on a cloud host. Appsmith 8gb ram, 4 shared proc. DB 4gb ram, light use. Both on same network at cloud host.

I’m tempted to compare with in house resource we have with better specs.

But looking for optimization suggestions.

Hello, you can paginate your data to ensure that only the data that can be displayed on the screen is shown at any time and this will improve the speed of your application. Here are some sample apps on pagination :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Nikhil

I’d stepped away from Appsmith to handle some other stuff. Yes, pagination helped tremendously. I used the SQL query method, and it works MUCH better.

Ah, but I realized that Search will only search that page. Guessing there is a solution for this. Researching now.

@jo-cpa Check this app on server-side search.

Hmm. When I fork this, it creates a different project about “Conditionally show data from multiple queries in single table”

Not “Create server side search”

You are probably on the wrong page. Scroll in the Pages pane on the left and search for this:

Oh my. I’m embarrassed. I immediately went to the data and the pages rolled up. Didn’t see them. I’ll check it out. My attempts with the ilike is not working, but I’ll keep trying.