Is it possible to create collapsible left or right panels?

I want to create a left side panel with the abillity to collaps it. Do you have an idea how to do this with Appsmith?

It is being worked on. The first version of this feature is about to be launched in a week or two.

I didn’t have the rights to see the description.

But the Title looks like that this is in the Editor view. I mean a Collapsible Side Pannel at Runtime for different things like a menu or additional Infos, properties etc

Hello! Please check if this is the feature you are looking for: [Feature]: All navigation styles · Issue #17771 · appsmithorg/appsmith · GitHub
If yes, please add a comment with your use case to help us prioritize it.

I will definitely vote for the feature as it covers all of my navigation desires. :+1:

However, since a side panel is also interesting for other issues, such as the display of additional information, properties, etc., in the end it is a side panel on both the left and right side like the ones in the editor, so it makes sense create another feature request. I think the most suitable would be a splitter region that contains two regions divided horizontally or vertically and that can be used to change the size or division of the two regions via a splitter bar.