Intermittent Firestore timeout problem

Hi, I just signed up and connected my firestore database. The query works fine until I connect it to a table widget. After that the the query starts timing out (See message below). The timeout will occur when I am loading the table for just directly running the query. Once when I delete the table the query will work!

Not too much data here - only 10 rows. Any ideas?

Query1 timed out in 10,000 milliseconds. Please increase timeout. This can be found in Settings tab of Query1.

@George Apologies for the issue you are facing. Does it work if you try to increase the timeout on the query? Are you on cloud or self-hosted?

On the cloud and tried to increase time out to 10000. When it works, it is super fast. Either completely times out or the data shows up.

@George Can you please check the network tab in developer tools for the ‘execute’ api request. And let us know if the request was made successfully or did it fail??

Hi - I can no longer recreate the problem. Nothing changed on my side that I am aware of. Will report if it happens again!