How to connect JSON to chart

I have an internal API which I’m testing, and I’d like to work out how to display data from it. I’m guessing my request is not unique to the widget I’m using.

The API currently returns JSON, an example of which is below.

I’d like to be able to display one measure on the y axis, with time on the x axis.

So, for example, how would I display T_SFC over time? I seem to be specifically having an issue with what to put in to the charts series data field. I’m currently trying something along the lines of {,}

The JSON is a data source named WxAPI.

I’ve also tried setting the chart data series to:
[ { "x":WxAPI.FireWeatherData.currentRow["time"], "y": WxAPI.FireWeatherData.currentRow["T_SFC"] } ]

Example JSON


Hey! Could you please share the response of WxAPI? I think you are over processing and complicating the chart mapping. It would also help if you could specify the use case you are trying to build an app for.