How do I Validate JSON on Input Widgets?

You can validate JSON on Input Widget or Rich Text Editor Widget, using simple JavaScript. Now say we have an input widget and wanted to print if the JSON is valid or not on a text widget, here’s how we do it.

Say your input widget is named as Input1, now on the text widget Text property use the following snippet:

	try { JSON.parse(Input6.text); return "true"; 
	catch (e) { 
		return "false"; 

This function parses through JSON and returns true if the JSON is valid and false if the JSON is not valid. Next, update the Input1 valid property to the following:

    Text1.text == "true"

This will add a green border if the JSON is valid.

The following question is also discussed on How Do I Do X on Appsmith Session on our community call. Watch it here: How Do I Do X? - YouTube