Hi there,
I’m setting up a small app which requires the user to select some files via a FilePicker widget.
I need to get the filenames of the files selected and use those to create a new array where, using a reference array, I’m able to convert the file names in language names.
For instance:
The user selects the “it.xlf”, “es.xlf” and “pt-rBR.xlf” files
I have a map which says that it.xlf corresponds to it_IT, etc.
I convert [“it.xlf”, “es.xlf”, “pt-rBR.xlf”] to [“it_IT”, “es_ES”, “pt_BR”].
I have come up with the following JSObject:
export default {
convert_filename_to_language: () => {
//write code here
const selected_files = file_picker.files.map((selected_file) => {return selected_file.name});
const language_map = [{'file': 'de.xlf', 'lang': 'de_DE'},{'file': 'es.xlf', 'lang': 'es_ES'},{'file': 'it.xlf', 'lang': 'it_IT'},{'file': 'pt-rBR.xlf', 'lang': 'pt_BR'}]
const languages = [];
var k=0;
for (let i = 0; i < selected_files.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < language_map.length; j++) {
if(selected_files[i]==language_map[j]['file']) {
return languages
This works perfectly if
const selected_files = ["it.xlf", "es.xlf", "pt-rBR.xlf"],
but it fails to execute if I try to get the file names array using
file_picker.files.map((selected_file) => {return selected_file.name});
Am I doing something wrong with the filepicker mapping, maybe?
Thank you,