How do I upload an image from the Camera widget to s3?

I’ve gotten this to work with the file picker super easy, but it looks like the camera app doesn’t just return the raw file data. Is there some additional binding or js I need to add to the following to get the raw data s3 requires?


Right now I get the error “Unable to parse content. Expected to receive an object with ‘data’ and ‘type’” when using the above code in the s3 upload image template.

Thanks a bunch, Appsmith has been awesome to use so far!

Hey, i think you are using the wrong binding for this. Let me create a sample app and share it with you here.

You can add a photo clicked on camera to S3 using the following configuration in the s3 query.
You have to use the camera.imageDataURL to bind this data into the query. There are also other details which you will need to pass, so adding the format here for a quick reference.

"data": Camera1.imageDataURL,

@Dilip Ah, yeah, I knew I was missing something. That did it, thanks!