June 6, 2022, 11:26am
Is it possible to develop a custom widget on Appsmith?
June 6, 2022, 11:28am
React components can be connected to the Appsmith platform using the Widget Development APIs and registered to be available for use by Appsmith developers.
In the video below, we can view a quick walk-through on the basics of the Widget Development API.
In the following, we dive into the details of the features available to widget developers.
Appsmith Widget Development Guide
# Appsmith Widgets
[![React Component to Appsmith Widget](./assets/React_Component_to_Appsmith_Widget_Thumbnail.jpg)]( "React Component to Appsmith Widget")
React components can be connected to the Appsmith platform using the Widget Development APIs and registered to be available for use by Appsmith developers.
- In the above video, we can view a quick walk through on the basics of the Widget Development API.
- In the following, we dive into the details of the features available to widget developers.
## Nomenclature
***Appsmith developers***: Users who use the Appsmith platform to build apps for their consumers
***Widget developers***: Developers who create widgets that are then available to the Appsmith developers to use.
***Entities***: Building blocks of an Appsmith application. These are Widgets, Queries, APIs, `` and JS Objects.
***Widgets***: Entities in the Appsmith Ecosystem. These are UI building blocks, similar to components in any other design system, used in Appsmith to build UI.
## Configuring a widget in Appsmith
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