How can we access the userId or email id associated with the currently logged in user!

We have created a ticket portal where the list of tickets are visible, we have given view access to the users and they login through their GSuite ( SSO). We would like to record the e-mail id of the person taking the action since all tickets are visible to all users on the dashboard.

How can this be achieved? Is the information stored in an environment variable or something like that?

The info must be a part of the payload sent to an endpoint when the submit button is clicked!

Will be glad to receive a swift response from the community!

Hi Anand,

You can use the “user” object. For example, if you want to display the logged in user’s email address in a text widget, you would bind it to:


Thanks a lot! Was of great help

Can you share a reference link in their docs for this info?

Hello! This is our documentation on the Appsmith Context Object.

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