Feedback request - Redesigning actions in Appsmith

Hi folks ! I’m Ayushi, one of the designers here at Appsmith. We’ve been working on re-designing actions in the property pane and would love some feedback from you!

What’s new?

  1. Adding multiple actions for an event through the UI.
  2. Ability to run multiple actions on success or failure of a preceding action.

Prototype link:
Please let us know what you what you think, all feedback and critique is welcome.

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Hi @ayushi-appsmith! I’ve checked the figma prototype and liked the UX work there!
Just needed a clarification on “Viewing Actions” after the On success chain is all expected to be run in serial? Other minor detail on that part is that “On success” title is not more with background color green; I like the green/red to simplicity of reading.


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Hi @elviejo ! Thank you for taking the time to walk through the prototype, I really appreciate it! To answer your questions:

  1. [In the viewing actions section] The actions On success of will all run in parallel. The parent actions on this screen, that is and Navigate to will run in parallel as well. We’ll be including a tooltip with information about sequence of execution so that it is not as confusing.
  2. We’ve chosen to keep the red and green colour for transient states only. Like when an action is being added on success / on failure, or when an action block with nested actions is being hovered on. We believe that as we’re using the red and green elsewhere to show an error or success state on the Appsmith platform, keeping it the same for read-only view might cause confusion and look like something is failing when it isn’t.
    Thanks again for the feedback, this will be very helpful in improving the designs!
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