Error 503 on selfhosted after watchtower automatic update to v1.90

Hello Community,

We are running AppSmith selfhosted in Docker on a Synology NAS for internal tools and testing…
After the - automatic watchtower - update to the latest release 1.90 about 2 hours ago AppSmith is displaying an Error 503 whenever I try to access any of the pages.

Appsmith server is unavailable

Please try again later

Restarting the Docker images of the watchtower and AppSmith itself brought no success.
Since the error is quite unspecific I am not sure where to begin.

We kind of rely on the tool and I am hoping you can help me with this issue.
As for now I cannot even access the Admin Panel and since the update is quite new I could not find any issues related.

Thank you for your help,



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Hello! I apologize for the issues you are experiencing. Please send us the server logs to help us investigate the issue. You can grab the logs by running docker logs -f appsmith.
Or you could follow the steps from this guide on how to get the logs

Hello Amelia, Thank you for your help.
I will get the logs tomorrow and post them right away. Thank you!

Hello Mort! In the meantime, we have released a new Appsmith version that should fix your issue. Please update your instance to v1.9.1 and let us know if it’s working for you.

I’m having the same issue, even after upgrading to 1.9.1

Would you please upgrade your mongoDB to v5.0.14?

Hi @pranav , sorry I failed to mention that I’m using the docker version without mongo installed separately

can you please share your server logs?

of course,

here is my docker-compose.yaml

version: "3"

    container_name: appsmith
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - "9001:9001"
      - ./stacks:/appsmith-stacks
      com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: "false"
    restart: unless-stopped

#  auto_update:
#    image: containrrr/watchtower:latest-dev
#    volumes:
#      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    # Update check interval in seconds.
#    command: --schedule "0 0 * ? * *" --label-enable --cleanup
#    restart: unless-stopped

I just removed all appsmith images I’ve had and ran
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate appsmith

this is the output

Status: Downloaded newer image for appsmith/appsmith-ce:latest
Recreating appsmith ... error

ERROR: for appsmith  no such image: sha256:95d512a15d94f6680c718127666dd9152c21cc1de25abd4000db292192aacb02: No such image: sha256:95d512a15d94f6680c718127666dd9152c21cc1de25abd4000db292192aacb02

ERROR: for appsmith  no such image: sha256:95d512a15d94f6680c718127666dd9152c21cc1de25abd4000db292192aacb02: No such image: sha256:95d512a15d94f6680c718127666dd9152c21cc1de25abd4000db292192aacb02
ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.

Continue with the new image? [yN]y
Recreating a7b2e860e10f_appsmith ... done

docker ps shows the image to be unhealthy

this is the supervisor output

and here are all the logs (I’ve pruned them before launching the instance, so only relevant information should be here)

@Bahadur in your case, it seems that MongoDB 5 is not supported. Could you please downgrade your instance to v1.8.15?
Change to, in in your docker-compose.yml file, and then do a docker-compose up -d.


phew @Amelia thanks for this, I did try as back as 1.8.4 thinking it was safe enough (didn’t know my older version to be honest :slight_smile: )

this worked!

cheers and have a great weekend!

could you turn your comment into a reply so I can select it as a solution?