DynamoDB Scan failing after 1.7.1 upgrade


My application has a DynamoDB datasource performing Scan operation on some tables and after the automatic upgrade to 1.7.1 these operations are failing with the following error message:

Execution started from user request
"body":"{ "tableName": "result-table-dev" }"


Execution failed with status 5000
For input string: ""

No change was performed on the application or any rule on AWS so I wanted to check if this could be related to the upgrade and if anything could have broken the DynamoDB connector in some way.


@Futisco So sorry you are facing this issue :disappointed: . We are treating it as a critical fix and updates can be tracked on the link below:

Hi @Futisco!
Can we have a session with our concerned engineers? We would like to see a live demonstration from your end. Please let us know if it’s possible for you.

Hi @Futisco if your app is on a self hosted instance can you please share your API server logs which should be found here: stacks/logs/backend/backend.log

As a current workaround can you please try the solution mentioned in this comment [Bug]: DynamoDB is broken · Issue #14391 · appsmithorg/appsmith · GitHub? Please let us know if this works for you.

Quoting from the comment

Workaround is to add the following to the docker.env file and restart the docker container:
