Drive export/back up of app to Google Drive from the app itself

I backup my apps in Google Drive folders. I have been doing this manually which is becoming a bit tedious. I would love to have an Appsmith dedicated to this process, where I can navigate to a dashboard and export/backup any app to it’s appropriate Google Drive folder with a single click. Any ideas for how to do this? Does self-host appsmith have a public REST-based API that I can leverage?

You should be able to do this with appsmith (although, it might not be as automated as you would like).
You can leverage google drive api and appsmith’s datasource api to create this.

Google drive api - Google Drive API の概要  |  Google Developers
Appsmith Rest APIs - REST APIs | Appsmith

Hi @Olawale, understood about Google Drive API and manipulating REST API and are already using them for other functionality, but to do this for the Appsmith export app functionality I would need to make a call against Appsmith itself - is there a public API?

There’s no internal api you can make request to on Appsmith.

OK thanks. So I think there is no clear way to do this.

At the moment, I can’t think of one possible.