Hi @Genxi,
Sorry for the delay. Could you try running it again by changing the image field in the docker-compose to index.docker.io/appsmith/appsmith-ce:v1.8.15
Command to recreate container: docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
Does this error have something to do with the upgrade do MongoDB 5? I can get AppSmith working on my Mac Mini M1 just fine with similar versions as @xsge, but not on my Synology. I’m guessing because MongoDB 5+ requires AVX support?
Hi @Genxi,
I believe you are running the container on docker desktop on your mac.
We were speculating that it could be due to the upgrade to mongo v5.0 supports the M1 arm processors.
You can use this calendy link below to schedule a call to debug this issue further.
Hey @Vincent,
Could you elaborate more on Synology, I believe it is a NAS right? Did you mean the Apsmith file system is mounted on the NAS?
Yes, mongov5.0 requires AVX support only in case of x86_64 processors but it does support the latest ARM processors which includes M1. You can refer to the MongoDB requirements here