I have hosted appsmith on locally, connected it to an external mongodb by changing the mongodb uri. Now I create an app and connect it to a datasource. let’s suppose my friend too uses the same mongo db uri. all the instances are restored i.e. all apps but when it tries to access the app (which has a datasource connected) he is unable to getting an error “internal server error”.
this only happens in apps with a datasource connected. in simple apps (like with only widgets) my friend is able to access and make changes.
why is this happening even though we are using an external mongo db to store the application data? and how to resolve this?
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hosted using helm/k8s
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@niharika Is this a related issue? Want to connect with custom redis on my local setup - #7 by aaryan
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i guess. but i dont think custom redis would help in restoring db connection locally