I have an editable column in a table (qtyToShip) and a non-editable column (qtyRemaining). I’d like to set validation for the editable column to be the maximum of {{currentRow.qtyRemaining}}, but it doesn’t seem that currentRow is accessible in the validation fields.
Note, I used the “valid” field instead and it worked:
{{editedValue <= currentRow.qtyRemaining && editedValue >= 0}}
However it is non-intuitive that the currentRow is accessible in the valid field and not in the max field.
CurrentRow is accessible here on my end.
Or is this not what you’re trying to do?
It isn’t accessible by Max, Min, or RegEx. It did work in the “valid” field I noted in my second message.
Oh… Okay.
At the moment, it’s not accessible in there.
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