Custom Chart - Multiseries Line 2D (msline) - Fusion Chart Format?

I have a data-set coming in from an SQL source. I’ve figured out the javascript mapping but I can’t seem to get any output on my custom graph.

I have user access counts by date and by user. I’d like date to be the x-axis and count to be the y-axis where each user is a series.

This is the format I’m trying to follow as per Fusion Chart’s Docs.

I have the following code which seems to produce a format similar to Fusion’s docs.

Any idea what’s wrong?

	const dates = {}; => {
		dates[row.action_date] = 1;
	return Object.keys(dates).map((key) => {
		return {"label":key}
  const aggregateMap = {
  }; => {
    aggregateMap[] = aggregateMap[] ? aggregateMap[].concat([{"value":row.count}]) : [{"value":row.count}];
  return Object.keys(aggregateMap).map((key) => {
    return {
      "seriesname": key,
      "data": aggregateMap[key]

Here’s what the error box says it produces (again, seems to look correct?). It doesn’t line up with the expected format, but that expected format isn’t how Fusion says to format a multi-series chart. I’ve abbreviated this for readability.

    "label": "2022-04-18"
    "label": "2022-04-19"
    "label": "2022-04-20"
    "label": "2022-04-21"
    "label": "2022-04-22"
    "label": "2022-04-23"
    "label": "2022-04-24"
    "seriesname": "",
    "data": [
        "value": 0
        "value": 12
        "value": 0
        "value": 1
        "value": 0
        "value": 0
        "value": 0
    "seriesname": "",
    "data": [
        "value": 4
        "value": 47
        "value": 22
        "value": 17
        "value": 25
        "value": 20
        "value": 15
    "seriesname": "",
    "data": [
        "value": 14
        "value": 82
        "value": 15
        "value": 117
        "value": 33
        "value": 0
        "value": 10

Update: “datasource” must be camelcase to work “dataSource”.

Also, and I’m not sure if this is required, but the data values have to be strings possibly? So I changed all of the “row.count” to “row.count.toString()”

Those made it work.

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