Can we use keycloak for custom authentication in appsmith application?

Is there any provision to use ‘Login with Keycloak’ for custom authentication inside the application like ‘Login with Google’ or ‘Login with Supabase’?

Hey @Ginjo! I personally have not tried this out. Although, I think it’s a difficult ask. Here is my rational - 1. It is perhaps more similar to login with google rather than login with supabase.
2. For google login is not a straight forward integration. We advice users to use Xeno in the middle to facilitate this.
3. I didn’t find xeno alternative which would facilitate keykloak login in similar way.

If you are looking for keycloak SSO, we offer that in our Business(Enterprise) Edition.

You can find more info here - Appsmith pricing | Build internal tools at a flexible cost
Docs on SAML SSO - SAML SSO - Appsmith

@pranav Thank you for the update.