API referring to old Column Names after changing them and giving error when loading data

Hi All,

I renamed a column in an existing data source (google sheets) and the API correctly picks up the name of the column, but when I try to run it, it shows it can not locate the old Column and ends up in an error.

Old Name : Machine List
New Name : MachineList

Edit : Things got a lot weirder, When I try to create a completely different API to get data from a different sheet, I’m getting the same “Machine List” not found error - it was never there to begin with. I dont know whats going on anymore.

The Table
Web capture_13-8-2022_04432_docs.google.com

The Error

Need a fix for this?

Hi @o2d
Thank you very much for reporting this issue. This seems to be a bug. Please refer to the following GitHub issue for the ease of your tracking.

We will soon post updates on this. In case it takes a good amount of time to fix this we will try to share a workaround solution to this problem.

We apologize for the trouble.

Hi @o2d
Please refer to this comment where I demonstrated the current workaround to this problem.

Hi @subratadeypappu,

Thanks for the reply and I’ll follow the status of this on github and look into the workaround for this.

I have to run the table with the old column name as a place holder column for the query to work.

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Hi @o2d
You will be glad to hear that the team has already started working on this issue with utmost priority. Soon this fix will be deployed in production. Meanwhile please go with the workaround solution shared earlier. Thanks again for reporting the issue.

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