A String from ms to date

I have a DB-Fef with ‘UNIX timestamp (ms)’ and want to display this in German format as a string.
Currently I have:
{{ Date(T2_Tab_Code.selectedRow.Date) }}
And get:
Mon Apr 25 2022 19:08:42 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
However, I would like to:
Does anyone have an idea

Hey! You can use moment for this.

moment(new Date(T2_Tab_Code.selectedRow.Date)).format('DD.MM.YYYY')

We also have a sample app for formatting dates!

Does this help?

I am what iritated. There doesn’t seem to be much I can do here. Still, it seems that it does not work.


@umi Can you try just using moment without Date function like this


Also would help if you show the format of the Date column in the T2_Tab_Code table with a screenshot

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